Sunday 9 March 2014

Car Title Loans

Owing to the tough economic times that keep on knocking doors from time to time, people often find themselves in situations where their finances get restrained. This is when they find difficulty in adjusting within the monthly paycheck amount. This is when they could turn towards car title loans. These short period loans are meant to provide them with the money required until next the paycheck comes in their hand. As the name suggests, a person has the liberty to borrow money by keeping their car title as security. These loans require no credit check and hence the application gets processed rapidly. The borrower is supposed to pay back the money within a term of 30 days.

The maximum amount that a person could borrow depends upon the condition of the security car. Mostly, the loan offered is no more than 50% of the car’s monetary value. The primary condition to apply for car title loans is that borrower should own the car against which the loan will be provided. When you take out an auto loan, your are entitling your car in exchange for money. The benefit here is that you are still the owner of car, despite its title is on loan. This suggests that you could keep on using the car during the loan period. The loan providers will carry out a brief inspection followed by some paperwork. In case of crisis, the borrower can ask for term extensions. However, these extensions further lead to debt cycles along with the threat of seizing the vehicle.

Talking of their cost involved, these loans are not at all cheap. The interest rates applicable over these loans are quite high as compared to banks, credit cards and payday loans. The interest rate is supposed to be paid on monthly basis and ranges between 10% to 25%. Hence, we could say that quick cash loans come for higher price. 

Overall, a car title loan is an excellent alternative for those who are going through temporary resource crunch but are sure that they can repay the full amount within stipulated period. In case of emergency or in severe need of money, you can always look up to these loans. The only thing you need to ensure is finding a genuine loan provider lending money at minimum rate of interest. Even if your credit record is not good enough, you could still apply for title loans as no credit score checking is done for these loan applications. 

To read more about Car Title Loans Just do click on the given link in this line.

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